wow. w o w. holy cow, wow! take a second to let this one sink in. did you read that? did you read it out loud? did you pause to let it simmer? did you close your eyes and cogitate what it means to you? did you stop to think how your actions may have impacted someone else? did you... Read more →
gentle reader, this is near and dear to my heart. this has been a tumultuous year for kirofamily. the girl has definitely experienced life. she has experienced the up side of life. she has experienced the down side of life. and i think it's safe to say that kiroman and i have experienced this with her. we love to celebrate... Read more →
i absolutely love kid rock. we've seen him several times and he never disappoints. i believe he leaves it all on stage when he performs. i saw this posted the other day and thought it was pretty insightful so i'm sharing with you, gentle reader! ******************************************************************************** as i was looking through the photos on my phone's camera roll, i realized... Read more →
gentle reader, if you've been reading here long or we are friends on facebook, then you are aware of my latest mantra: actions > words = every.single.time. recently, kirofamily came across such a person. a person that said all the right words. but the actions later proved to be nothing what the words had been. i'll be honest, totally pisses... Read more →
gentle reader, no regrets is the talk we walk in our house and by our house i guess i really mean our family. oh believe me, i understand that we all have said or done things that we regret. it's part of life's journey. i'd like to think that we learn from those experiences and do better next time. we... Read more →
gentle reader, ⬆⬆⬆that is my little girl. you can see that she isn't so little anymore. as a matter of fact, she is a young lady now. she's also known as the girl around these parts. i want her hair! matter how old she is, she will always be my little girl. always. [ please do not think i... Read more →
gentle reader, this goes out to the girl. relationships are not always easy. but they aren't always hard, either. but nothing worth having ever comes easy. there is always hard work involved. conscious work involved. there is a reason we don't get everything we want. are you smokin' what i'm rollin' here? there is so much i'd like to say.... Read more →
gentle reader, i learned a long time ago to not care what other people think of me. i learned a long time ago that it's none of my business what other people think of me. i learned a long time ago that i will not live in the prison of fearing what other people think of me. i know who... Read more →
gentle reader, do you see a new trend here? i kinda like it. honestly, i don't know if i will do this for every post, if i will do this once in a while or if i might not ever do this again...for now, i like it! i like starting off the blog post with a little quote meme...i find... Read more →
gentle reader, i have been searching, since high school graduation, for another nickname for what was then known as teenager on the ol' blog. i tried co-ed, i tried a few other things that i can't even remember right now. i've gone with kirogirl for awhile and it's ok. but didn't really resonate. although, she is an awesome kirogirl...although is... Read more →