gentle reader, i found this quote on line and put it on my own photo of the make it more personal for me. i still find it amazing how much my life changed once the girl was born. nothing is ever the same. never, ever again. not my time. not my body. not my feelings. not my present. not... Read more →
gentle reader, this post is brought to you by the girl. she posted this earlier today and i asked if i could use it as a guest post... Cheating. I’ve been thinking a lot about why people do it because it makes literally no sense to me; if you aren’t happy then just leave, don’t knowingly put someone through that... Read more →
gentle reader, that quote above there ⬆⬆⬆ it's mighty powerful, is it not? we've had the regret talk many times. i'm not talking about regret here. i think we all do things we are sorry for. things we wish we hadn't done but i think they are far different than regret. this has been quite a year here in kirohouse.... Read more →
gentle reader, you know how i feel about regrets. i don't really buy into them. i feel we should live our lives in a manner in which we don't have to worry about regrets. that doesn't mean that we don't end up with a few regrets tucked in here and there, though. i'm not one for excuses, either. face it,... Read more →
gentle reader, how apropos is this quote from my favorite dude, ralph waldo emerson? our world has become so full of political correctness that we can't tell right from wrong any longer. our world has become so fascinated with social media that we ignore those right in our own company. our world has become so caught up in accumulating things... Read more →
gentle reader, are you able to go to bed each night with your soul at peace? there was a time i'm not sure how i would answer this question. today? i will tell you that more than 90% of the time, i am quite able to go to bed with my soul at peace. there are times in which it's... Read more →
gentle reader, i know it's been awhile...things have been pretty crazy around here! i know i told ya'll we were headed to the world show a week ago thursday and spent through tuesday morning in fort worth. i have lots of photos and stories and memories to share but i've not had time to process it all while getting caught... Read more →
gentle reader, think how impactful this short phrase is. really think about it. it applies in so many many! so many times we are afraid of something. we let that fear hold us back. and then wham! it then turns into regret. whether it be something we have said. whether it be our actions. whether it be our thoughts.... Read more →
dang, gentle reader! this hit home for me. think about the journeys you have sojourned through out your life. not for one single moment did i ever think that one of my journeys would lead me to where i am today...a wife, a mother, a kirowarrior. heck, if you would have told me 30 years ago that this is where... Read more →
gentle reader, all of our mothers [ if they were worth their salt ] told us that if you don't have something nice to say, say nothing at all. right? or something very similar. whatever their words were, you knew exactly what she meant. i attempt to live by these words every single day. some days are easier than others.... Read more →