at the end of the day, let there be no excuses, no explanations, no regrets
November 21, 2013
gentle reader, you know how i feel about regrets. i don't really buy into them. i feel we should live our lives in a manner in which we don't have to worry about regrets.
that doesn't mean that we don't end up with a few regrets tucked in here and there, though.
i'm not one for excuses, either. face it, if you really want to do something, you will find a way to do it or you really didn't want it. excuses are no reason to not have or attain what you are looking for.
i truly attempt to spend each day in a way that when i call it a day, i don't feel i gave up any excuses for not doing something or for even doing something.
that at the end of the day, i don't have to explain my actions. i truly hope my actions speak for themselves.
and if i am able to accomplish these two things, the regret part comes naturally.
that doesn't mean i don't have times of failure.
i do have times that i have to explain my actions...because either they weren't clear or they were misunderstood or something was implied or assumed.
those times i do regret. but not in such a way that i am consumed by regret. i never want to live in a way that regret consumes me.
i want to live in a way that i can lay my head on my pillow at night and know that i have done the best i possibly can to be better than i was yesterday.
i wish that for you, also, gentle reader.
ok, it was pointed out to me that this photo was not included in the blog post about the world show. so i am adding in here today! kiroman shot this while i was zipping up the girls chaps. he asked her to flex, obviously, she obliged! and yes, gentle reader, when you are in show pants, chaps and a wife beater and have the need to flex, there is no other place to stash the phone but in your bra. i know...
so...i've been doing this quirky, weird thing lately that no one really knows about. i'm attempting to conquer the art of selfies in a manner applauding the most awesome liam schubel...he is the best selling author of the most awesome book, cast to be it! anyways, i snapped this one and thought, hey! that's not too bad for a no make up, no fixing the hair day!
and today!!! today the girl officially received her certificate for being on the president's list at school...what does that mean, you ask? it means the girl has a 4.0 gpa. that means that kiroman and i are so effin' proud of her. she is working her butt off for these grades...but i always knew that once she figured out her passion, she would be this girl!
this is the usual wednesday tradition! most families have sunday family dinners...kirofamily has wednesday family dinners! tonight the girl requested beef i obliged and fixed us a big pot...enough for lunch tomorrow! and after dinner, the girl got to studying...after a bit, she asked for some help on learning skeletal was fun to watch them study together!
i think it's uber cool that they can have discussions over what she's learning. i think it's uber cool that the girl has opened her mind up and is so willing to accept help...i love watching the pile of flash cards turn into a pile of what she knows! remember when my phone flew outta cowboy at 60+mph and bounced down the interstate and was just fine...a few scratches on the case but otherwise just fine? well, while we were in fort worth, i pulled my phone outta my jacket pocket and saw this...a crack on the screen from one side clear to the other! i hadn't dropped it. i hadn't hit it on was just cracked. so while the girl was studying, i stole her phone to take a photo to text to me so i could show you...kiroman keeps telling me to get a new phone...i keep saying i'm going to hold out and see how bad the screen gets before i can't stand it any longer. i'll keep you posted!
the girl was getting ready to go home and thought she was going to take priscilla...but then decided it was a lot to hassle with since she still had studying to do once she got home and we decided that priscilla will stay with grandma and grandpa until monday...while out and about today, i had to stop at the pet store...where i spied this handy, and oh so cute, rodent i bought it. priscilla seemed to enjoy it!!! but she didn't really have a choice either!
today is his birthday...affectionately known as witstoad gutsfrog...for as long as i can remember this has been my nickname for him...i'm not going to give up his age but i will tell you he's my lil bro and i think he's pretty cool.
and that pretty much concludes my wednesday!!!
i am grateful:
- to have gotten adjusted today
- to have taken care of my errands today
- to have washed, dried, folded and put away 3 loads of laundry
- to have had a great convo with my bro on his bday
- to have had a fun evening with kiroman and the girl