kind words do not cost much
November 05, 2013
reader, all of our mothers [ if they were worth their salt ] told us
that if you don't have something nice to say, say nothing at all. right?
or something very similar. whatever their words were, you knew exactly
what she meant.
i attempt to live by these words every single day. some days are easier than others. some days suck shit, i won't lie.
there are days where i fear i may bleed out from biting my tongue ruthlessly...hoping to keep the angry words at bay. some days i win that battle and some days i don't.
what i do know: is that if you can keep the angry words contained, express happy thoughts with your words, the outcome is much better. the fallout, so to speak, is easier.
i'm reading an awesome book again...the four agreements by don miguel ruiz. actually, we are reading it as a group at kiroworld. and today we discussed chapter two: the first impeccable with your word.
hmmm...think about that one for a minute.
it is amazing how powerful the word can be. say something in an encouraging way and you have white magic. say something in a discouraging way and you have black magic. and those spells can be ever lasting. unless you choose to create a new agreement and dismiss the black magic spell.
it's not always easy to create a new agreement. some people are never able to.
if someone is told they are stupid, they will believe that their whole life through.
if someone is told they have a horrible singing voice, they will believe that their whole life through.
or until they choose to make a new agreement with themselves...that they are smart.
that they have a beautiful singing voice.
it's possible to create those new agreements but you have to be willing to put the work in to create and manifest that agreement.
it's so much easier to use kind words.
to uplift and inspire.
and wtf does it cost you?
not a damn thing.
oh gentle reader, it has begun!
the count down to the fall world show.
the girl's debut in the amateur class at the world show.
holeeee cow! where has the time gone? it was only yesterday she was doing freaking lead line!
so here's what went down...the girl and i hopped a plane to fly south to spend some time at the ranch. kiroman hopped a plane to go north to the windy city to gain some philosophy brain juice.
it's not often that we head outta town in different directions...usually we go together or one of us is at home. thank goodness for the awesomeness of our house/critter sitter! or this wouldn't be happening!
the way this post is going to work is like this: the first part is going to be the ranch stuff and the second part is philosophy stuff...bear in mind this was all happening simultaneously though!
saturday morning the girl and i made a stop at the local farm store...we had to pick up treats for the princess [ cookie ]
the girl was so excited the farm store had cow tails...she tried to hold off but she couldn't take it and ended up buying one...
next stop was the local harley store. we've been there before but
hadn't purchased t-shirts. we decided we wanted t-shirts with their logo
and then the girl saw this kick ass jacket:
then it was time to head to the ranch!!!
our way to the ranch, we spied these cuties. the guy behind me was not
so pleased when i came to a full and complete stop for the girl to snap a
few photos for me...but hey, he could have gone around! we don't see
this where i'm from, ya know!
at the ranch, we wanted to see our babies! this is faith. she is so
dang cute! and i'm so excited that she has the traditional dot on her
face...thanks to grandma kiwi [ may her awesome western pleasure soul rest in peace ]
we made a trip to the pasture to see the rest of the babies. they are
so freaking cute and so friendly! these three amigos would crawl onto
your lap given the opportunity! they aren't all ours...only one in the
crowd is a kirobaby.
then it was time to saddle up and ride...this huge thing wanted a front row seat to what was happening in the arena!
awwww...the girl is finally reunited with cookie! the girl was soooo
looking forward to her time with this awesome horse. they are pretty
cool together! a great retreat for the girl...a special horse does
something to soothe your soul, i'm tellin' ya!
this little wanted to share his halloween candy with all of us! he's one awesome little!
the girl and the trainer. i love watching them ride together.
it was so refreshing to see these little flowers blooming in november!
decided to get out of the wind and sit in the sunshine for a bit while
the girl was riding. it gets tiresome riding the fence sometimes! so to
entertain myself, i took this selfie, and here i am sporting my new
harley davidson shades...when we were checking out, they were calling my
name so i tried them on and loved them!
while sitting there, basking in the sunshine, this cool little
brought me a chair from the barn. later, his told me that saul saw me
sitting on the ground and he really wanted me to have a chair and asked
if he could bring me one. he's six years old and already quite the
gentleman...i'm impressed!
after the riding was done for the day, we all decided to meet later for dinner then the girl and i headed back to the airport to check into the hotel, return the rental car and watch some sons of anarchy [ for me ] and american horror story [ for the girl ]
and when we got to our room, this was the display on the television! how cool is that?
we went to bed fairly early, rose fairly early and walked over to the terminal to scramble through security and head to our gate.
i'm happy to report that we experienced zero travel issues with the airlines! everything was on time, luggage all arrived safe and was awesome!
and that concludes the southern trip.
i wish i had more commentary to provide on some of these photos but i don't and i promise to do the best i can!
there is assigned seating and this is what kiroman's spot looked like!
rob, dr erick swenson and kiroman
hey guys! it's the pres and vice pres of the disciples of bj mc! they clean up pretty good, don't they? kiroman and dr eric mckillican. [ i think someone is on their tip toes! ]
dr todd waters...our present day bj palmer
kiroman says he was making a face at andy...we have to take his word for it!!
the official parking sign for dr crowder
and this? this is what i came home to sunday afternoon. can you guess where he got his afternoon snack?
thanks for reading the ramblings today. i truly appreciate each and every one of you that stop by!
i am grateful:
- for the technology that allows me to watch soa from the very beginning
- for the safe travels home of kirofamily
- to have picked up some cool t-shirts at the harley strore
- the girl had awesome practice time
- to have spent time at the ranch