in life we do things
November 25, 2013
gentle reader, that quote above there ⬆⬆⬆ it's mighty powerful, is it not? we've had the regret talk many times. i'm not talking about regret here. i think we all do things we are sorry for. things we wish we hadn't done but i think they are far different than regret. this has been quite a year here in kirohouse. i've done a few things that i certainly wish i had thought through more. things i wish hadn't happened. i put myself in a precarious place with the girl. there were times i stepped out for what i thought was the right thing at the time, put my relationship with the girl in danger. but i really thought it was for the best. that, in the end, everything was going to work out like i saw it in my mind. because i listened to someone. not my heart. not my gut. certainly not the girl. but someone new to our circle. because i believed in this so much...i put it all on the line. only to have it all crash and burn around me. including my relationship with the girl. believe me, i spent a lot of time second guessing myself at this point. one thing i did learn...i won't make that mistake ever again. never again. i have also learned that it's all those experiences, the good, the bad and the ugly, that have made me who i am today...that have strengthened my relationship with the girl...something i worried about for a long time. and once in awhile, she and i still hit a rocky spot and it leads right back to this situation...we're good...we really are but it's a not do that again. kirofamily has hunkered down together. we've talked, we've analyzed, we've grown closer. we have made the decision to draw our circle a little tighter. there will definitely be more "vetting" before letting someone else in...the girl has come out the other side so much stronger. with convictions. with dedications. she's a strong, young woman. she knows what she wants and she's doing great. kiroman and i talked about her on the way back to magic lake from the hockey game saturday night. i see nothing wrong with a woman being confident and going after what she wants and protecting what she has. and if a guy can't handle that, he isn't worth having around...i think the girl is starting to figure that out and it's going to take a very special someone to appreciate her the way she deserves to be appreciated...i know she is headed in the right direction. and i know where she is going is absolutely fabulous.
it's hard not to second guess once in awhile. it's human nature. i think, for the most part, we are all trying to be better than we were yesterday.
i got this little box of goodness wednesday night but didn't get it opened until thursday. i think i might partake in december daily this year. this box is full of everything i will need to make that happen...except to have the ability to kick me in the ass and get it done!
the girl got her hair done thursday. she went back to dark hair. i like it either way but she sure has received a lot of compliments on it!
thursday night was our epoc. because the scheduled speaker was unable to make it, we did something really fun...we asked several of our members to give 20-30 minute presentations. it was awesome! and then dan brought these oil paintings to share. they were hand painted in the early 1920's. when you referred a student to palmer college of chiropractic, you received the bj painting. when you referred the second one, you received mabel. they are very rare...the mabel one is extremely hard to find. it was really cool to see these in person.
i bought these cool bones for the doolittles. sister fell in love with them and found the landing on the stairway to be a great place to enjoy hers away from the boys.
this is the girl on her way to work friday. i love the new hair. i think she looks adorable! i love this happy happy girl!
this is what i woke to saturday morning. sister was crashed on my arm and was actually snoring!
saturday afternoon, the girl met up with one of her very dear friends for lunch. they hit kona for sushi...honestly, i'm not sure if the girl tried this or not!
i know she certainly had this!
great photo of two great people. i am so happy that d was there for the girl as she traveled her tumultuous waters this year. it seemed that he knew when she was having a hard day and was always there to help pick her up, give advice or only listen. we all should have at least one friend like him!
the girl bought me this candle a few weeks ago. i finally burned it on saturday! it smells so good and i love the long wick!
after kiroman finished at the office and cleaned a stall, we headed to magic lake. we hung out for a few hours, until tragedy struck. kiroman was in the garage, taking down the tv so it wouldn't freeze over the winter...the hell hound followed him out and was chillin' in the garage...and then kiroman noticed he was chewing on something...that something turned out to be a chunk of rat poison. yes...rat poison...that we had laid out because we have a mouse situation at magic lake...because we are surrounded by the lake on one side and open fields on the other...mice have been an issue. anyways...i called our awesome vet. she told us what we needed to do...we needed to run to a small, near by town and pick up a turkey baster and hydrogen peroxide. so we could force a half a cup a time, every ten minutes, until he threw up. it was imperative that we get him to throw up as much as we could. i will tell you, gentle reader, he was a trooper. i can't imagine drinking a half cup of that stuff...but it sure didn't take long before he started throwing up. and throwing up. and throwing up some more. and then sunday morning we met the vet at the office to pick up vitamin k to combat the anti-coagulating rat poison. it seems the hell hound is in the clear. we caught it right away, he purged most of it, although he did absorb some...he will be on the vitamin k for 2 weeks and have his blood work drawn to make sure we all is good. all the rat poison has been picked up and discarded. it's hard to believe that we have been using this for years...we have had approximately 32 dogs live with us and not one has ever done this before. i assure you that it won't happen again.
anyways...we watched some of the husker game and then we headed to the hockey game. on the way, we listened to the rest of the game on the radio. the announcers were hilarious at the end...when the huskers would have thought the team had won a national i started cheering in the car. kiroman thought it was funny, so he started taking photos to document my extreme, although sarcastic, excitement.
look who was at the hockey game! when the girl was little, we used to go to disney world every year. the first few times we went, we spent more time seeking autographs and photos with the characters so when i see dora or the chik fil a cow or whatever, at the hockey game, i always make her get her photo with them and since this is one of the places kiroman loves to eat, i made him get in the photo, too!
of course i took the first intermission shoe photo. left to right: nick, the girl, me, kiroman.
and we had casey take our second intermission group photo. casey is the little girl that has season tickets next to us...they had tickets longer than we have and we've been next to each other for 4 years!
since it's no shave november and the lancer team is participating, they were handing our moustaches at the game. the girl grabbed one and nick said he would wear kept falling off but i was able to get a photo before it did! i love hanging with people that don't take themselves so seriously and like to have fun! even though he has quite the serious look on his face, he was cracking up! we all were!
after the game, we headed back to magic lake. we hit the sack early since we needed to be on the road by 6:15am to be at the vet's by 7:30. once back at the lake, we gave the hell hound his vitamin k, got a few things done around the place and settled on the couch to watch some football while the chicken cooked away in the smoker. i even napped off and on after lunch. then we headed home.
we grabbed a bite to eat, showered, watched more football and i made these yummy little snacks.
now, i am finishing up this post while watching season 4 of sons of anarchy while texting with the girl.
i hope you all had a great weekend!
i am grateful:
- hell hound is going to be ok
- kiroman did all the driving this weekend
- having a fire with the flip of a switch
- for heated water buckets in the stalls
- for snoring dogs.