to be yourself in a world...
November 20, 2013
gentle reader, how apropos is this quote from my favorite dude, ralph waldo emerson?
our world has become so full of political correctness that we can't tell right from wrong any longer.
our world has become so fascinated with social media that we ignore those right in our own company.
our world has become so caught up in accumulating things that we forget what is truly important.
our world has become so obsessed with fitting in, that we forget to stand out.
i will tell you that kiroman and i did our damnedest to instill self respect and pride and confidence in the girl.
we have had our share of struggles to be sure. there were times that the girl had the balls to stand up to me and kiroman. she had the balls to speak her mind. and during those times, we struggled as parents. we struggled with how much latitude to give her...what deserved a punishment.
i always came back to one thought: if she had the balls to stand up to us, her parents...and not take our opinions and suggestions and guidance without question...then i knew she was going to be strong enough to stand up to the peer pressures she was going to encounter...
like being tempted to try alcohol.
like being tempted to try drugs.
like being tempted to have sex.
like being tempted to fall into whatever her friends were doing.
and guess what, gentle reader? she didn't fall into that trap at all.
and for that, i am so proud of her!
she definitely has become herself in a world that is pushing her in directions that she in not comfortable.
way to go, girl, way to go!
the last few days...have been smelly.
sister likes to sit with me on the couch in the evenings...when kiroman and i are decompressing from the day, watching a little devil-vision. actually, cujo likes to be up there with us, too...
and i kept smelling something.
something pretty gross.
i thought it was sister's breath. so i did the most disgusting thing and opened her mouth and took a big whiff.
nope, it wasn't her breath. i grabbed cujo and did the same thing...his breath is nasty but nothing close to what i was already smelling.
it was like a decaying, infection smell.
so i checked sister's ass. i wiped her with baby wipes...she loves loves loves that...she actually gets all wiggly when she sees the wipes come out.
nope...her ass was clear of debris.
but then i got a whiff of that ass...
that offensive ass...yuuup...the smell was coming from there...not a fart smell. not a dingleberry smell.
a rotting smell. the most disgusting smell.
so i made a call to our most trusted vet this morning, to get an appointment to get her butt checked out.
sister and i made the trip this afternoon.
i'm happy to report that is was nothing infected anal gland was the culprit. while she was there, i had the dr check out her eyes...they were looking a little red while she was sedated, they took care of the anal glands and re-tacked her lower lids to keep her lashes from scratching her eyeballs.
we get to go back in 10 days to have everything checked out...
just a day in the life of a trophy wife ;)
i finish up my day by writing this post while watching season 3 of sons of anarchy...yuuup...
what do you do for fun???
i am grateful:
- for our relationship with our vet
- sister has nothing serious going on with her ass
- for an awesome relationship with kiroman
- for an awesome relationship with the girl
- for an awesome relationship with my mom