until you...
November 27, 2013
gentle reader, i found this quote on line and put it on my own photo of the girl...to make it more personal for me.
i still find it amazing how much my life changed once the girl was born.
nothing is ever the same. never, ever again.
not my time.
not my body.
not my feelings.
not my present.
not my future.
i don't mean this is a bad way at all...it's that once you become a mom, the whole effing game changes.
the whole effing way you look at and live life is completely different.
someone once told me: a parent can only be as happy as their saddest child.
until this past year, i really didn't understand what that meant.
until this past year, the girl really hadn't been sad.
this year was an effing game changer.
for a miriad of reasons. but that is not my story to tell.
what i will tell you is how much i learned about being a mom this past year.
how hard it really can be.
to walk that fine line of friend and parent.
to walk that fine line of giving advice and being intrusive.
to walk that fine line of caring and being over bearing.
the biggest lesson i learned: to never, ever choose anyone over the girl. whether she is right. whether she is wrong. whether she is somewhere in between. whether her feelings are justified or not. i will have her back and eff anyone that attempts to destroy that.
she is that important to me. i love her that much. her happiness means everything to me...
and yes, i will stop and stare at horses now.
i will give her my last bite.
i will even handle her boogers.
i draw the line at listening to a song 50 times in a row at this stage of the game.
i no longer find rocks in my dryer.
i truly believe my kiss still holds the power to heal her.
until you, girl, until you!
the girl hits the gym mondays after class...this is her awesome caramel apple protein shake. she raved about it so much that i am going to have to give it a try the next time i get to hit the gym.
selfies...you know it's the word of the year, right? i know people get all tweaked about them but i think they are fun and i love to have them...and one day, the girl will be glad to have them and i know her kids will love it, too!!
the girl and i continue to enjoy our new monday habit. after she finishes at the gym, we meet up at kiroworld. then we do whatever errands we wanna do and grab a bite for lunch. this day we indulged at carlos o'kelley's. afterwards, we stopped in to our favorite big box store...there is a guy that works in the electronics department that knows we come in on mondays...we were later than usual...the girl has darker hair now so he didn't recognize us as rolled up...then he looked at his watch and said: hey, it is monday, girls! but you're late today, it's almost time for me to get off work!
then i told the girl that we should have taken a selfie...maybe next monday!
between class and work today, the girl stopped by kiroworld to hang out with her daddy. she helped them record shift happens!
the girl also brought something awesome for her daddy! so they decided a #shawndillpose was in order!
i told you that i love being around people that love to have fun...this is fun, gentle reader! this is fun! what do you do for fun in your family?
i am grateful:
- to be able to have fun
- to surround myself with people that love to have fun
- the girl texts me photos when i ask
- for new opportunities on the horizon
- for kiroman's support in this new venture