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November 2013
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January 2014

gentle reader, it will all come together for you shortly...the title, the will all make sense. no, wait. none of it makes any sense at all. here is a baby photo of brother. taken in january 2009. he had not been part of our family for long. i don't recall the actual date he came home but i know... Read more →

gentle reader, i think this washington irving quote so aptly describes tears. think about the times you have cried. you felt overwhelming grief. you were incredibly sorry. the depths of unspeakable love will bring one to tears. tears definitely are not a sign of weakness. not in my book. but i'm the same person that cries watching vince vaughn in... Read more →

gentle reader, i feel like this has been my mantra for 2013. i really do. it seems there has been a lot for me to just be brave about. the year started out rocky, at best. it escalated to more than rocky. then it was ok. then it was great. then it was rocky and then it was worse than... Read more →