let’s help each other out, ok?
be in charge of your destiny

new year, new you...AGAIN?

gentle reader,

it is now the middle of january and you have probably had about a month of hearing "new year, new you", blah blah blah blah

did you know that you don't have to wait for the calendar to turn over a new year to start something?


every new day, heck, even every new hour you are granted...you have an opportunity to make a new beginning.

you can start that new work out plan right now! 

you can start that new job right now!

you can start writing your book right now!  

you can leave that toxic relationship right now! 

you can mend that broken relationship right now! 

you can start learning a new language right now! 

you can make a commitment to be better than yesterday right now!

get the picture?

i've never been one for new year's resolutions. when i was younger, i found i never followed through for longer than a few weeks at most. as i grew older, i realized that i didn't have to wait for the bell to ring 12 on the last day of the year to achieve my goals.

Goalit comes down to:

  1. setting the goal
  2. making the plan to achieve the goal
  3. working toward the goal
  4. sticking to your plan no matter what
  5. achieving the goal

you can read all the books, blog posts, and articles about goal setting and achieving but it comes down to you! there are plenty of places on the world wide web to go for guidance. it's up to you to find what resonates with you the best. 

what i'm telling you is to not wait for the calendar to change pages, make the change yourself and go after what you want! go on, i double dog dare you to achieve your goals!

Blog_Divider_shabbymissjenndesignsi am grateful:

  • for one more day on this planet
  • the support of family and friends while working towards my goals
  • for the opportunity to start at any time
  • for knowing the difference between a resolution and a goal
  • for being on the same page as kiroman when it comes to goals

just breathing isn't living!


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